SOC: Dr. Anders Jerkstrand (MPA Garching), Dr. Markus Kromer (ZAH/HITS), Dr. Bernhard Müller (QUB)
Generously funded by the Wilhelm und Else Heraeus Stiftung.
Observations and theoretical models have made impressive progress in understanding supernova explosions from massive stars and white dwarfs thanks to the advent of huge transient surveys and advances in high-performance computing. To consolidate progress, it is important to make specialists in different aspects of supernova research aware of progress and challenges on other fronts. This Wilhelm und Else Heraeus Seminar "Supernovae - From Simulations to Observations and Nucleosynthetic Fingerprints", to be held at Physikzentrum Bad Honnef from January 21 to 24, 2018 will bring together world-leading experts, early career researchers, and students to discuss the physical modelling of stellar explosions, their nucleosynthesis, radiation transfer, and supernova observations to further our understanding of these dramatic events that are crucial for the chemical enrichment of the Universe. We aim for a total of about 60 participants (13 invited speakers, 20 contributed-talk speakers, and 30 poster presenters).
Participants will arrive to the Physikzentrum Bad Honnef during the afternoon of January 21. Registration will start during the late afternoon and will be followed by a kick-off meeting on Sunday evening. Monday and Tuesday will be filled with talks and poster viewings. On Wednesday, the seminar will finish after lunch. A detailed schedule will be posted here after the application period has closed.
PDF schedule for download.
The seminar will be held at the Physikzentrum Bad Honnef (Hauptstrasse 5, 53604 Bad Honnef, Germany). The Physikzentrum is run by the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft e.V. (German Physical Society) and supported by the University of Bonn and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The stately mansion housing the Physikzentrum is surrounded by a park at the foot of the Siebengebirge on the right bank of the Rhine River. Public transport offers convenient access to the nearby cities of Bonn (15 km) and Cologne (40 km). For detailed travel instructions see here or ask Google Maps for the best route.
Accommodation and meals will be provided in the Physikzentrum for all participants free of charge, thanks to generous funding by the Wilhelm und Else Heraeus Stiftung.
In case of any questions concerning the seminar please contact us at
Dr. Anders Jerkstrand
Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik
Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 1
85748 Garching, Germany
Dr. Markus Kromer
HITS gGmbH -
Heidelberger Institut für theoretische Studien
Schloß-Wolfsbrunnenweg 35
69118 Heidelberg, Germany
Dr. Bernhard Müller
School of Physics and Astronomy
Monash University
Victoria 3800, Australia